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How To Take Power Naps

Written By : Trevor Baum
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How To Take Power Naps

How to take power naps? Do power naps work? How long should power naps be? How do they work?

This article will show you the what, why, and how of power naps – with a dash of science. So grab a cuppa, settle down, and prepare to unlock a whole new level of productivity and health.

What Are Power Naps?

A power nap is a short period of sleep intended to revitalize and rejuvenate the body and mind. Unlike a full sleep cycle that can last up to 90 minutes, a power nap typically lasts between 12 – 30 minutes.

Power naps allow your body to rest and repair while avoiding entering a deep sleep phase, which can lead to feelings of grogginess or sleep inertia upon waking.

This quick nap can lead to increased alertness, improved mood, enhanced cognitive performance and even better physical health.

The Science Behind Power Naps

Sleep. We all love it. Crave it. Sometimes we would trade our morning cup of joe to hit the snooze button one more time.

But even though we love it so much, we sleep far less than we should. We should all get 7-9 hours of sleep every night, but it is easier said than done.

Life always has a way of interrupting our schedule.

We stay up late sometimes, either for work or because we’re hooked on a new show. We need to be there for our kids at night and in the morning to help them get ready.

Without sleep, we’re far less productive, react slower, and make worse decisions. Not to mention the dreaded afternoon crash when all we want is to sleep and forget the world.

You see, power naps are like the “in-between”. Not quite a full sleep cycle, but enough to get you refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to go.

Short, 20-30 minute power naps can never make up for a full night’s sleep, but they can mitigate the unwanted side effects which usually come with sleep deprivation.

Power naps can help us replenish our energy, ease headaches, improve our productivity and give us some rest which we missed out on the previous night.

How Do Power Naps Work?

Ever wondered how some people seem to function on high power all day, while you’re entering zombie mode by 3 pm? 

The answer could be as simple as a quick power nap.

A lot of studies point to the surprising benefits of power naps. Biologically speaking, your body doesn’t just go into ‘sleep mode’ when you do. It starts repairing cells, releasing growth hormones, and even boosts your immune function.

A power nap helps reset your physical and neurological systems. It improves memory recall, enhances creative problem-solving, and stimulates cognitive function.

So, like an espresso shot for the brain, a power nap can provide that much-needed pick-me-up to get you through that afternoon slump.

Do Power Naps Increase Productivity?

We’ve all hit that midday wall where even a truckload of caffeine can’t stop the yawns. Surprisingly, a quick 20-30 minute snooze could turn your entire workday around.

A study by NASA discovered that a mere 26-minute nap could boost a pilot’s performance by a whopping 54%. 

And it’s not just pilots who can benefit from a quick kip. From Silicon Valley tech gurus to world-renowned composers, many successful people credit power naps as a significant productivity booster.

Remember Albert Einstein? The guy who played around with the laws of physics? Yeah, that one. Einstein was a huge fan of daytime naps. According to reports, he never let himself drift off to the second (deep) stage of sleep.

He would hold a pencil or an object in his hand when he sat on his chair, and as soon as the object dropped from his hand, the loud noise would wake him up.

And the best part? You don’t need a dedicated nap room to slip into a power nap. A quiet corner, your office chair, or your couch can do. The trick is to find a comfortable spot, set an alarm (you don’t want to end up in a deep sleep!), and let your body and mind recharge.

Health Benefits of Power Naps

The impact of power naps extends beyond just productivity. Numerous studies highlight the several health benefits they offer. Ever felt that happy, peaceful state after a good nap? That’s not just in your head.

Napping improves mental clarity and mood, making you better-equipped to handle stress and challenges. It releases tension, decreases anxiety and can make you more patient and alert. Tack on reduced stress levels and better memory to this list, and you’ve got yourself a healthy habit that rivals a gym membership.

Power naps can also aid in reducing the risk of heart disease. A Harvard study found that people who nap at least three times a week have a 37% lower risk of heart-related deaths.

And for all those sleep-deprived parents and workaholics out there, power napping might just be what the doctor ordered. Catching a few quick winks during the day can lead to improved sleep quality at night.

How to Implement Power Naps into Your Routine

EIther set a timer or discussion about ideal 20 30 minutes

Intrigued yet? The question now is, how do you incorporate power naps into your routine?

Power nap length is crucial. You don’t want to sleep so long that you wake up groggy and disoriented. Generally, a power nap should be between 10 to 20 minutes. This allows you to wake up refreshed, without falling into a deep sleep.

Timing is also key. The ideal time for a power nap is midday, around 2 to 3 pm, when most people naturally feel a dip in energy.

Creating the right environment is equally important. Find a quiet, comfortable spot where you won’t be disturbed. Use an eye mask or earplugs if necessary. Set an alarm to avoid oversleeping.

Addressing Common Misconceptions About Power Naps

Contrary to popular belief, power naps aren’t just for children or the elderly.

They’re a universal tool that anyone can use to improve their performance and wellbeing. Many of the world’s most successful individuals swear by them. From Thomas Edison to Winston Churchill, power naps have been a key ingredient in their success recipes.

Another common misconception is that napping during the day will interfere with your nighttime sleep. However, studies show that a short nap can actually improve overall sleep quality. It is lengthy, unregulated naps that can disrupt your sleep cycle, not quick power naps.

And finally, let’s address the elephant in the room – the guilt associated with daytime napping. Many people associate napping with laziness or lack of productivity. However, as we’ve seen, power napping can actually help boost your productivity, enhance cognitive function, and improve overall health.


Power naps are a scientific and natural way to boost overall performance, health, and wellbeing. They can help you break through the midday slump, supercharge your productivity, boost your mood, and even improve your heart health.

Here are some quick tips for you for getting the most out of your naps:

  • Be consistent. Try to nap at the same time every day, preferably in the early or mid-afternoon, to avoid disrupting your circadian rhythms.
  • Make it quick. Set an alarm for 10 to 30 minutes, depending on your needs and preferences, to avoid oversleeping or feeling groggy.
  • Go dark. Nap in a dark, quiet, and comfortable environment, or use an eye mask and earplugs to block out any distractions.
  • Avoid caffeine. Don’t drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages before you nap, they can interfere with your sleep quality and make you jittery.
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