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Cannovia Moves to Support the Nation During Coronavirus pandemic

Written By : Brian` Baum
🕑 1 min read

As the nation faces unprecedented levels of stress, Cannovia acts,

50% price reduction

Washington, DC — March 16, 2020 — Effective immediately, Cannovia is reducing the price of all of its CBD full spectrum and THC-FREE oil drops and Agave Beverage Powder by 50%.

At Cannovia, we know that this time of uncertainty is creating an unparalleled level of stress for almost all Americans. Many of our customers, find that CBD products help them in managing stress, said Brian Baum, President and CEO of Cannovia. Baum added, “if our products can help anyone more easily cope in these unprecedented times of stress, we want to do our part to ensure they have access and cost is not a barrier.”

In speaking to the Nation on March 14th, the President stated “that all Americans have a role in the defeating this virus.” Baum said, “we take this action in the spirit of coming together to help each other get through this together.”

Anyone can visit www.Cannovia.com. This price reduction is in effect until such time as the Coronavirus pandemic has officially been declared to have passed.

About Cannovia

Cannovia is a leader in providing quality CBD products. Using science to equalize Mother Nature’s goodness to deliver products that support balance in your life. At Cannovia, “what’s on the label, is what’s in the bottle.” www.cannovia.com

Media Inquires:

Brian Baum



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